Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Spanish Steps Are My Friend

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. I have internet at my host family's house (so so lucky) but for some reason it won't let me upload any pictures to the site. I don't know what the deal is. But whatever.
Well here is my roommate, Marie and I eating our first gelato of the trip. First of MANY. She got me hooked on the coconut gelato. I'm not a huge coconut fan, but for some reason, it's so dang good that I get it almost every time. So, the Italians have this unwritten rule that you're allowed one gelato a day. But no more than that. And it almost seems like no less. But don't worry, I haven't followed that rule. As much as I would love to, I feel like it would not be good for my mid-section :D I just think it's so funny because it's not like people in the U.S. eat ice cream every day. If somebody did that, it would be bad news bears for the scale. But since everybody walks everywhere, it's pretty much no big deal. But yeah, gelato is amazing. And Marie and I do love our gelato :D

Here is the view from the our hotel room. It was absolutely beautiful. All day long. And then one night we went up on the roof. That was really cool because then we could see all around us. Our hotel was a little *ba-wow-wow* (ghetto) but it was nice enough. The view made up for it. The only thing that was REALLY annoying was that on top of the 12 bug bites I got in Mykonos, I got 5 more at the hotel. 2 of which blistered!! I didn't even know bug bites could blister. They were so nasty! And even when I popped the blister, it kept coming back. Ok, I realize that sounds really gross and maybe you don't want to read it. But it's what happened. So I wrote it :D But Laura Elaine Carter and Courtney Ruth Jones, I kept thinking of you because I kept saying "You wanna see my blistah?!" in a really sweet accent :D I miss you guys tons and tons. But anyways, now my bug bites just look like I have sqamous cell carcinoma. So yeah. It's really a great sight.

The next picture is of 2 of my favorite people here. Granted I love absolutely everyone here, I just love these 2 girls. The girl on the left is my friend Allison and the girl on the right is my roommate, Marie. We have so so much fun together and we laugh a lot. It's fun because I think we have similar senses of humor and I kind of love it.

Here is a group of us "gladiator-ing" at the Colosseum. From left to right: Me (obviously), Julia, Allison, Natalia, and Brooke. Love all these girls. Julia is from Chicago, Allison is from LA, Natalia is from Provo, and Brooke is from Carlsbad. It's fun talking to Brooke because we know a lot of the same spots in San Diego because I lived near Carlsbad this summer. I love how I love everyone here. We all get along really well and just have a good time whenever we're together.

I took this picture for 3 reasons. 1. It's just really cute because we were in Rome 2. Because it looked really cool on this wall and mainly 3. Jesse, David, and I had a funny moment dealing with this phrase in the car the other week and I thought of them. I love you both :D

So I'm so used to having my phone telling me the time. So I didn't bring a watch. But the problem is... I don't have a phone right now. So Marie and I kept asking people, "Umm... what time is it?" And I don't know if it was getting annoying to people or not, but mainly I was just getting annoyed with asking. So we set out on a mission. Operation: Find A Cheap Watch. Every thing here is so dang expensive and I was not really willing to pay a lot of money on something to just tell me the time. So I set a limit of 20 Euro. Which doesn't sound like a lot, except keep in mind that the Euro is 1.5 the U.S. dollar. So It's more like 30 Dollars. So even that is stretching it. (P.S. You have to kinda forget about the exchange rate here. Otherwise you will just want to cry every time you buy a piece of pizza). Well we were wandering on some street vendors and what should we come upon, but some watches!! And guess for how much! 3 EURO!!! Yup, 3. So I bought 2 just in case one of them decides act like it's worth 3 Euro and die on me a week later. So this is the picture of Marie and I with our brand new watches. P.S. the watches are still working. We kinda consider that a miracle. So if it brakes, we won't be overly disappointed.

Ok, so here I am in front of the coolest church of life. It was amazing!!! It is a church where the designs on the walls and ceilings are human bones. Ok, it sounds really morbid and weird, but it was incredibly amazing. And you know me, I'm a nerd. So I loved it. It's kinda hard to describe how it looks and I wasn't allowed to take pictures. But for example. The ceiling decoration was a design with collar bones and mandibles and the walls had lines made of humerus-es and fibulas. It really was so cool, I wish you all could have seen it. But yes, I know I'm weird.

Well that was my trip to Rome and next we headed to the Amalfi coast.


  1. haha, you are too cute. Also, one of the bug bites I got in Namibia totally blistered and was exceedingly sick. I had it for about a month and a half and it was right on my knuckle and made it hard to bend my finger for a while. And now I have a weird little scar. So yeah, that's sad for you!
    Miss you! lots of love.

  2. Yep weird! I'm all for an amazing mosaic, but made out of bones, a little too much for my taste.
